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Autococker Parts
Autococker Parts
Meteor Barrels
Manta 2 pieces kit
Manta 2 pieces kit
Manta 2 pieces kit
Manta 1 piece

About us
We’ve been professional paintball players at the highest level for about 15 years, competing against and for the best teams in the world. We played in the several leagues around the world and went thru the different steps the paintball scene has known, from the long 10 man woodball games to the NXL 5man superfast format.
More about us
All of our products are designed and produced in-house. From CAD to machining the prototypes and products on our own CNC machines.

“Shooting a meteor autococker is fundamentally satisfying”
– Mike
Meteor Parts & Accessories
Replacement parts, mech, special items, and limited releases. Find parts for your next build.